Tag Archives: thoughts

what the fuck is up?

thinking. Thinking. Thoughts….
I’m here on my bed stoned as fuck thinking,
trippin out on random ideas and thoughts.
Does anybody else find it semi creepy how the thought process works? Or confusing? Hmmph..

This blog…

This blog is just going to be about different thoughts and occurrences in my day to day life. Also, my opinion on tons of topics. I had a different anonymous blog here on WordPress that was quite popular, and you wanna know what I did with it? I deleted it. POOF. Shut that shit down. Why? You ask. Because. Because I wanted to see if I can start from scratch and get the same amount of support eventually.
My other blog was named something completely different and I used a different “alias” and I spoke of different things and kind of refrained from getting too personal, on this here blog, I’ll get very personal and touch base on topics, struggles, and demons that I battle everyday.
You’re probably thinking “thiiiiis bitch!” or “who the fuck does she think she is?!” orrrr “why the fuck should I care about your life” and the answers are, I know that I am nobody. I am perfectly okay with being a nobody and you don’t have to care about my life either, but, I just want to share. Because I know that someone, somewhere can and will relate to some of the things that I’m going to speak of here, and that’s what I want! I want to let people know that they aren’t crazy and that there ARE people out there who know what you are going through. I really wish that I could have found a blog like this one when I was say, 13 years old and shit started hitting the fan. Haha so the point is, you are not inclined to read, care, or follow this blog, I just want to expose a few things, because believe me, I’ve been through quite a lot. Maybe my enteries will interest you and maybe they won’t, I don’t give a shit.
So, keep up with me, if ya wanna 🙂

***Oh and I DO plan to reveal my identity on this blog… Eventually 😉
I will also eventually release my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook links so that we can all keep in touch ^o^

-Xo Tron cat ;*