
Like I’ve said before, I’m gonna stay anonymous here on this blog too but only for awhile.
Til then, you can know a few things about me to better understand me and my blog!

-I am indeed a chick.
-I go to school once a week.
-I’m tall with wavy black hair. It’s originally brown but I prefer it to be black!
-I don’t live with or have my parents around. They’re still alive but separated and they don’t really care about me.
-I have 4 tattoos, 3 piercings, and stretched ears. (I’ll talk more about those in a different entry)
-I listen to a variety of music, my favorite being EDM, or Electric dance music, reggae, rock, hardcore, death metal, rap, hip hop, etc etc.
-I’m working towards moving out to Arizona to attend the university of Phoenix and major in psychology.
-I deal with depression, anxiety, and ADD.
-I am a verrrrrrrry active bud smoker. Stoner chicks for the win.
-I like drugs and I am not fucking ashamed to admit it. (this’ll also belong to a different entry)
-I’m friendly and funny.
-I’m very well liked but hated on at the same time so I try to keep my circle of friends fairly small and personal. There are 3 guys who mean the world to me, which you will also learn about in different entries. 🙂
-I like tea, music, art, running, the beach, coffee etc etc
-the united kingdom fascinates the shit outta me hehe
-I love to party. Being out all night til the early morning hours, dancing and getting fucked up with awesome people is the shit to me.
-I like pretty colors. I dress like…. Me. Haha which means cute shirt, skinnies, and chucks, usually.
-last but not least, I reside in Southern California, whoop whoop! West coast! 😉 I’ll even go as far as to let ya know a little bit about my hometown! It’s a little big beach city called Oxnard, California. I called it little big because I you live here you know that it is little enough to feel like a small town but in reality it’s huge! There’s the east side of it, the south, the west, and then where I live, which is the northern area. There’s a lot to do here, there’s three different beaches and very awesome cities so close by. The Los Angeles area is west of me, maybe by like an hour and then two of my more favorite cities up north, Ventura being the closest and then the Santa Barbara/Goleta area which I LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE! You may have heard of the infamous Isla Vista, little party area of UCSB! I pretty much grew up there. Some of my closest friends are out there and I’ve experimented with drugs galore out there hahahah 😉 I fucking love I.V 🙂

That’s it for now… So, you have a feel of what I’m about ;p

-xo Tron cat.
P.s if you’d like me to check out you’re blog, let me know! I need some interesting things I read 🙂

I like this quote

“Whether drugs lead to illumination or degradation depends on the spirit in which one takes them.”
-George Andrews

This quote though

Samuel Snoek-Brown

When I was a child, I knew where the wild things were. I was one of them.

When I read Maurice Sendak’s classic book — again and again — as a child, that was one of the most important things I took away from the text. I was a wild terror of a boy, after all. I never got sent to bed without supper, but I certainly got sent to bed, often and deservedly, for being so . . . “rambunctious” was the word my mother used when she was feeling generous. She could just as easily have yelled that I was a “WILD THING!” as Max’s mother does. And I was one.

And I didn’t care that I was annoying my mother, either. Someone might look at my childhood and adolescence and suspect that this was a subtler lesson I learned, whether I knew it or not: that parents…

View original post 974 more words

This blog…

This blog is just going to be about different thoughts and occurrences in my day to day life. Also, my opinion on tons of topics. I had a different anonymous blog here on WordPress that was quite popular, and you wanna know what I did with it? I deleted it. POOF. Shut that shit down. Why? You ask. Because. Because I wanted to see if I can start from scratch and get the same amount of support eventually.
My other blog was named something completely different and I used a different “alias” and I spoke of different things and kind of refrained from getting too personal, on this here blog, I’ll get very personal and touch base on topics, struggles, and demons that I battle everyday.
You’re probably thinking “thiiiiis bitch!” or “who the fuck does she think she is?!” orrrr “why the fuck should I care about your life” and the answers are, I know that I am nobody. I am perfectly okay with being a nobody and you don’t have to care about my life either, but, I just want to share. Because I know that someone, somewhere can and will relate to some of the things that I’m going to speak of here, and that’s what I want! I want to let people know that they aren’t crazy and that there ARE people out there who know what you are going through. I really wish that I could have found a blog like this one when I was say, 13 years old and shit started hitting the fan. Haha so the point is, you are not inclined to read, care, or follow this blog, I just want to expose a few things, because believe me, I’ve been through quite a lot. Maybe my enteries will interest you and maybe they won’t, I don’t give a shit.
So, keep up with me, if ya wanna 🙂

***Oh and I DO plan to reveal my identity on this blog… Eventually 😉
I will also eventually release my Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook links so that we can all keep in touch ^o^

-Xo Tron cat ;*