Odd fucking Tron Cat!

Why odd fucking Tron cat? You’re thinking xD
Odd fucking Tron cat is me.
I love Odd Future. You may or may not be familiar with them, but in case you are not, they are a group of rappers, they make their own odd beats and speak of very real, relatable topics. Well to me anyways. A lot of people think they suck and that’s cool. I love them though :3
And Tron cat? Well if you are an active Odd future fan/listener then you know that Tron Cat is what Tyler, the creator calls the voice in his head. And the voice is an evil motherfucker. I have one of them voices and it’s evil like that too. I am Tron Cat with my evil thoughts heheheheh >:3
Odd fucking Tron Cat, bby.
Aww yeeeuh.

P.s check ’em out! Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All.
There’s different members and they all sing their own songs and collaborate with eachother. They are ALL amazing so check them out if you haven’t already!

-Xo Tron Cat.

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